Why I don’t see details of notifications I receive

You may be wondering why you’re receiving notifications but unable to view the associated story when clicking “View Details.”

The reason is simple: at Sharelo, notifications are sent when the story owner adds you as a member to receive notifications, even if the story is located in their private "My Stories" section, limiting your access.

To address this issue, if both parties wish to view the details, the story owner may need to move the story to the Public Channel.

private to public channe.png

Here's how to do it:

1 Navigate to “My Stories” and select the video you wish to move. Then, access “Settings.”

private to public 2.png

2 Under General Settings, within the Channel section, you'll find a dropdown menu where you can select the desired channel for relocation. Once chosen, click "Move."

private to public 3.png

That's it! The recipient can now access the details of the notification without any further issues.

If you need any other help, reach out to us at hiro@shareloapp.com and we’ll be happy to assist in any way we can.

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