Create a Story

In this guide, you will learn how to create a Sharelo story. Here's an interactive demo.

1. Create a new story

To create a new story. Click the “Create a story” button on the dashboard.


Then, the story editor will open.


2. Add a video

You can record or upload a video. (Or select from your video library if you already have videos.)


3. Add a new step to the story

You can add multiple steps to your story. Click the + button in the left sidebar, select the video, add the title, and save.


Optionally, you can add slides and embeds to the story.

  1. Slides: You can upload a PDF file on your device. Optionally, you can add video narration to each page of your slide.
  2. Embeds: You can add different types of embedded content.

4. Add another video to the step

Then, add another video to the new step you created.

5. Add questions and choices

Now, add the text of the question and choices to each step.

6. Copy the link and share it anywhere

When it is ready, click the share button and share the story anywhere.


Congratulations! You just created your first Sharelo story!

If you need any other help, reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to assist in any way we can.

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